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The Therapist

Michael J. Daley

"So far, I have come to Michael with two different yet painful lower back problems that were severely impacting my ability to move around freely. So far, he has cured me of both of these problems. Michael has magic hands and a deep knowledge of the body. I highly recommend him and hope he keeps doing massage forever."
Joyce Marcel

My superpower is deep relaxation. The body taken to that level allows healing to begin. I also have good success with neck, shoulder and low back pain. I enjoy focused work on the feet.

I have been in practice for five years, taking up this vocation after thirty years as a professional writer. In my experience, most people who invite me to help them are challenged by some form of stress or else they frequently have difficulty in relaxing. It is a source of satisfaction to me that most report a deep sense of relaxation within a few minutes of my beginning a massage for them. I firmly believe that massage does not have to hurt to be healing.

Touch is one of the most soothing acts we can offer another person to calm our over-activated flight/fight systems. The messages conveyed through caring touch during massage are profoundly meaningful to our bodies. Such touch says “I've got you.” “You are safe.” “Relax and rest.” In the nervous systems response to touch comes the beginning of healing.

I have benefited from the advice of a number of professional mentors over the years as well as extensive study and short courses, including "The Power of Touch" through the Windham County Career Education Center, Radical Wholeness Weekend workshop wtih Philip Shepherd, & introduction to Shiatsu at the Shiatsu School of Vermont.

I live in Westminster West in a small off-grid forest cabin that I built with my wife, author Jessie Haas.